Republica Havas – ALMA – Second Red, Second Green & Second Blue

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Republica Havas, the agency part of the Havas group based in Miami, USA, presents its new campaign which focuses on a condition of the disease related to wandering in public when patients momentarily lose complete awareness of where they are or what they are doing there. This type of situation is not widely known by society in general, and the campaign seeks to raise awareness as 6 out of 10 people suffering from the disease get lost in public.
Regarding this, Tony Waissmann, CCO of Republica Havas, commented:
“Once again, alongside the Association, doing things that we believe are relevant to give importance and awareness, not only to the disease and its symptoms but also where to turn to in case of suffering. This campaign talks about those who wander the streets. They do not know who they are, where they are going, or what they are doing there. I think we found a clear and metaphorical way TO SHOW this situation. Showing this moment of lucidity that is immediately lost in total darkness. With a beautiful photograph and that ray of light that enters between the buildings, which somehow represents that moment of clarity in contrast to the darkness where confusion is total.”
“It is so important for us at Republica Havas to create campaigns that not only sell but also educate. With ‘Segundo’, we once again join the Alzheimer’s Disease Fight Association to raise awareness of another reality of how this debilitating disease manifests itself. I congratulate our team for this work that I have no doubt will touch many,” said Jorge A. Plasencia, co-founder, and CEO of Republica Havas.
Finally, Guillermo Andrés Ferro, Vice President of the Association, referred to the campaign:
“One of the cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is disorientation. It can lead the affected person to develop behaviors such as purposeless wandering.
It is a normal behavior of the disease. It is a sign that appears in some people with dementia and becomes evident when the person moves and walks aimlessly through different places. They feel a need to move and walk without knowing why or with what purpose. Wandering can be triggered by the desire to search for something or someone… a loved one, a companion, or by wanting to do something typical of the patient’s routine before the disease.
This can be a concerning problem for the caregiver to manage. Therefore, it is important to know some practices that can be implemented to care for and accompany the patient, and to prevent this behavior. It is best to have more information about these signs and how they can be treated correctly. There are many things that can be done and learned to be better… both patient and caregiver.
This campaign not only allows us to reach more people and make many aware of the existence of an Association composed of volunteer family members and professionals willing to help, but it also shows one of the most frequent symptoms of patients with some type of dementia. The clarity of the light that illuminates the walk of these people reflects a short moment of lucidity that a patient may have. The shadows that precede it are a past that many do not remember, and the darkness ahead where the walkers are heading shows the uncertainty and unknown of what will come. Very grateful from A.L.M.A. with the work and dedication of the entire team of Republica Havas.