LatinWorks – MLB – #PonleAcento – 2017

#PonleAcento is one of those ideas that stopped being just an an ad campaign and became a real movement. Truly. It’s an idea that took on a life of its own, beyond just PR and headlines. It first made an impact on the entire sport and then was embraced by people who made it their own, using it as a symbol of their identity.
The idea comes from a very personal insight, deeply rooted in people’s experiences and their desire for rightful representation: many Hispanics, when they move to the United States, lose a part of their identity—the accent in their names. That’s where the idea came from, and we brought it into a sport that’s as American as it is Latino—baseball. It all started with MLB encouraging Latino players to put the accents back on their names on their jerseys. It was like giving them back a piece of their identity. It began as a simple ‘challenge’ (a PR move) between players… and the rest is history.
It’s worth mentioning that this idea was made possible by the effort of many people at different times, who kept pushing it forward to make sure it didn’t die out. It’s one of those ideas that anyone who saw it on paper knew had to happen. From the people who thought it up, to those who kept driving it forward, the PR team that helped connect with a player, the player who agreed to do it, and the client who had the guts to approve it… in the end, it was like a beautiful puzzle that came together.