Zubi – Burger King – Impossible Combo Case

Zubi – Burger King – Impossible Combo Case


Over the years, the Burger King brand has

not shied away from campaigns that

generate buzz, in fact they actively seek

them out. Our challenge was to create a

campaign that generates “Talkabilty”, the

brand action that generate a

disproportionate amount of buzz and

publicity, but also moves the promotional

sales needle.



What is forbidden is also the most sought




The Impossible Combo, an unlikely pairing

of Burger King’s famous Whopper with

McDonald’s highly-craved French Fries,

Burger King had successfully trolled

McDonald’s several times already. By

conceding that McDonald’s fries are the

best, BK would have a platform to talk

about the superiority of its flagship burger,

The Whopper.

With the help of Burger King’s AOR, David

and partnering with Rappi, the biggest

food delivery service is Brazil, Burger King

offered The Impossible Combo: A Burger

King Whopper and MCDonald’s French

Fries for a limited time.



On the first day of offering the combo of

Rappi, it sold out in 27 minutes, becoming

the most sold order on Rappi that day and

raiding Whopper sales a record 81%.